Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Being Distracted From Your Purpose (#PowerandPurpose)

Distraction means to "divert your attention from something toward something else."  It can be something meaningful or meaningless.  This can be very tough especially if you have children or a spouse who have legitimate needs to address.  Often times, when you finally decide to pray, the phone will ring or someone will come into your room unannounced.  You may even get sleepy or your favorite television program will come on.  You have a real enemy who does not want us to have fellowship with the Lord.  Satan knows that when you get your groove on with God, your problems will look smaller and we can get the guidance from the Lord that you so desperately need in His presence.  There are some natural and spiritual strategies you can use to overcome anything that attempts to divert your attention from the Keeper of your soul.


Heavenly Father, it amazes me how I allow little things to distract me from my goal, my purpose and from spending time with You.  You are my heart's desire and I long to be with You.  The phonecalls can wait, the laundry can wait and there is nothing on the stove, so I come now to center my thoughts on You.  Help me to make my time with You a priority so that nothing will stand in the way of our quiet time together.

In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Excerpt from "How to Get Your Groove Back" by Carmen Murray

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