Saturday, April 30, 2011
Faith With Purpose
True faith makes the promises of God to be of full effect by viewing them as true and putting them to the test. When faith asks of God, it believes that it has the petition which it has asked of him.
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry,
Friday, April 29, 2011
Powerless Help
When you get into a condition that you can by no means help yourself, you shouldn't doubt that God can achieve His purpose and fulfill His promise without your help. When did he ask for your help? Good men and women have gone very wrong when they have tried to help in the fulfillment of promises and prophecies.
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry,
Thursday, April 28, 2011
The Power of Promise
When God's promises appear to be difficult of fulfillment, wherefore do we doubt them? They are fulfilled in due season: which of them has ever failed? They come to pass without difficulty: why should we suspect them? When deliverance looks as though it could not come, it is none the less sure; for the Lord has promised it. The absence of visible means need not enter into the account: he who is Almighty God has infinite resources.
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Triumph With Power
"The cross is the victory, the resurrection is the triumph... The resurrection is the public display of the victory, the triumph of the Crucified One."
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The Power of The Resurrection
So how do you relate to the resurrection? How does it affect you? As a myth? As a story that is part of our culture? Or as the truth which affects the whole of your life?
Experience resurrection of some dead situations in your life through prayer.
We serve the risen and triumphant and living Lord of Glory! May God help us all to do so with our lives as well as our lips, to the glory of our risen Lord.
Join The SISTAHS Ministry International for the Monday Morning, 15-Minute, PRAYER BLAST at 7am (EST):
Dial-In Number:(218) 862-1115 | Conference ID: 45895#
Telephone PLAYBACK: (218) 936-1005 | Conference ID: 45895#
ONLINE Playback: ISTAHSMinistry
Experience resurrection of some dead situations in your life through prayer.
We serve the risen and triumphant and living Lord of Glory! May God help us all to do so with our lives as well as our lips, to the glory of our risen Lord.
Join The SISTAHS Ministry International for the Monday Morning, 15-Minute, PRAYER BLAST at 7am (EST):
Dial-In Number:(218) 862-1115 | Conference ID: 45895#
Telephone PLAYBACK: (218) 936-1005 | Conference ID: 45895#
ONLINE Playback:
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Saturday, April 23, 2011
The Power of Starting a New History
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Friday, April 22, 2011
Speaking With Power and Purpose
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Monday, April 18, 2011
Getting Into Shape... The Power of Exercise!
What's good for our hearts and waistlines also appears to be good for our minds.
Q: What is the relationship between physical and mental fitness? Does exercise enhance our brain power?
A: Mounting scientific evidence on the effects of exercise suggests that what's good for our hearts and waistlines also is good for our minds.
"Exercise in many ways optimizes your brain to learn," says Dr. John Ratey, a clinical associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School in Boston who's at work on a book about exercise and the brain.
Exercise improves circulation throughout the body, including the brain, Ratey explains. Exercise also boosts metabolism, decreases stress and improves mood and attention, all of which help the brain perform better, he says.
"The brain cells actually become more resilient and more pliable and are more ready to link up," he says. It's this linking up that allows us to retain new information.
Sweat in style:
Boost Your Brain Power With Exercise,
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Sunday, April 17, 2011
The Power of Praise Before the Cross
The Easter season is a time calling for praise and rejoicing.
On Palm Sunday, excited followers shouted hosannas and cut down branches and flung them to make a royal path for the king. Consider this outpouring of PRAISE!
Many times, we do not praise God as we should, either within or outside the walls of the church; and surely His blessings extend beyond the walls.
Can there be much witness from a heart that feels no need to join with others in praise and song to God?
Imagine a funeral home tape of Amazing Grace played at half speed! Well, sometimes the people seem to be in a funeral mood and sing in the same way! Praise should be JOYFUL.
Let our praise have a foundation deeper than the fortunes of the moment. Let us say, "Though the foundations of my life be shaken, though ten thousand devils encircle me, though I come to the Lord's house exhausted from temptation and sin, my heart is still lifted up; and my voice should be lifted up, by the thought of God's eternal love for us in Christ." So we shall still be praising God, not for, but in the midst of, our troubles.
Join us in an expression of praise through prayer on Monday at 7am (EST) for the 15-Minute Prayer Blast!
Dial-In Number: (218) 862-1115
Conference ID: 45895#
Prayer Blast PLAYBACK: (218) 936-1005 | Conference ID: 45895#
On Palm Sunday, excited followers shouted hosannas and cut down branches and flung them to make a royal path for the king. Consider this outpouring of PRAISE!
Many times, we do not praise God as we should, either within or outside the walls of the church; and surely His blessings extend beyond the walls.
Can there be much witness from a heart that feels no need to join with others in praise and song to God?
Imagine a funeral home tape of Amazing Grace played at half speed! Well, sometimes the people seem to be in a funeral mood and sing in the same way! Praise should be JOYFUL.
Let our praise have a foundation deeper than the fortunes of the moment. Let us say, "Though the foundations of my life be shaken, though ten thousand devils encircle me, though I come to the Lord's house exhausted from temptation and sin, my heart is still lifted up; and my voice should be lifted up, by the thought of God's eternal love for us in Christ." So we shall still be praising God, not for, but in the midst of, our troubles.
Join us in an expression of praise through prayer on Monday at 7am (EST) for the 15-Minute Prayer Blast!
Dial-In Number: (218) 862-1115
Conference ID: 45895#
Prayer Blast PLAYBACK: (218) 936-1005 | Conference ID: 45895#
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Time That Has Purpose
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Friday, April 15, 2011
The Power of the Anointing of Purpose
"The Price I Paid For This Anointing" is a bold, transparent and powerful memoir of a woman who continues to inspire women and men around the world through sharing her testimony of overcoming domestic violence, homelessness, tragedies, challenges of depression and finally, a miraculous healing. Dr. Blount's uplifting testimony illustrates how fighting the good fight of faith is overcome through God's mercy and grace which guided her through her challenging life experiences.
Domestic Violence,
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The Price I Paid For This Anointing,
The SISTAHS Ministry,
Tonya Blount
Powerful Goals
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Possibilities Are Powerful
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Welcoming the Power of Change
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Passionate Purpose
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Monday, April 11, 2011
Grateful Power
The most spiritual and uplifting quality is living the attitude of gratitude. No matter who, where and when you are, the fact that you’re still here, means that you have at least one thing you can be grateful about in your life right now. Not talking about settling for what you have, but acknowledging it, appreciating its’ presence, knowing that there are good things in your life, will help you attract even more.
Like attracts like. It can happen out there inwards, it can also start immediately inwards out. Your mind makes a difference, and if millionaires can be depressed, and POWs be cheerful, you have enough power to direct your inner state, irrespective of what you think must make you feel any way.
Like attracts like. It can happen out there inwards, it can also start immediately inwards out. Your mind makes a difference, and if millionaires can be depressed, and POWs be cheerful, you have enough power to direct your inner state, irrespective of what you think must make you feel any way.
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry,
Sunday, April 10, 2011
The Power of God's Love
We love because God first loved us (1 John 4:19). Therefore, we cannot have an expression of love for God that is greater than any He has for us. There are so many comforting thoughts in this. We can never out-love God. We do not have to convince Him to love us. He will never reject our approach to Him (James 4:8). We can have complete confidence with God because He is incredibly in love with you.
Stop what you are doing for a couple minutes and take this in. Think about how much He loves you. He loves your heart, your laugh, your eyes. He loves hearing your voice, even if you are not talking to Him. You make Him laugh. He delights in you. The more you allow that to sink in, the more you will want to pray and spend time with Him.
Join the POWER & PURPOSE 15- Minute PRAYER BLAST Monday at 7am (EST)...
Stop what you are doing for a couple minutes and take this in. Think about how much He loves you. He loves your heart, your laugh, your eyes. He loves hearing your voice, even if you are not talking to Him. You make Him laugh. He delights in you. The more you allow that to sink in, the more you will want to pray and spend time with Him.
Join the POWER & PURPOSE 15- Minute PRAYER BLAST Monday at 7am (EST)...
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Applying The Power
Scripture Of The Day: "The Lord said to Moses, 'How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, in spite of all the signs I have performed among them?'" - Numbers 14:11 (NIV)
In Numbers 14:11, "The Lord said to Moses, 'How long will these people treat me with contempt? Will they never believe me, even after all the miraculous signs I have done among them?'”
In other words, “Children of Israel, how many times have I shown you my power? Why are you acting like this? You’ve been here before.”
On Easter Sunday little children at churches around the country will recite Easter poems about the power of the Resurrection. We will all celebrate our belief that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose on the third day “with all power in His hands.”
But I wonder how many of us apply the power of the cross to our everyday lives? How many of us allow what we confess to become real in the midst of our circumstances?
How many of us find ourselves facing familiar situations, and like the children of Israel, like me, and even like my sweet little Ryann, we act as if we’ve never faced that situation before?
As we prepare to celebrate the cornerstone of our Faith, let us remember that because of the miraculous power of the cross we are no longer victims to the circumstances we face! We can apply the resurrection power to every situation in our lives because we are united with Christ (Ephesians 2:6) and we already have the victory!
Excerpt from
In Numbers 14:11, "The Lord said to Moses, 'How long will these people treat me with contempt? Will they never believe me, even after all the miraculous signs I have done among them?'”
In other words, “Children of Israel, how many times have I shown you my power? Why are you acting like this? You’ve been here before.”
On Easter Sunday little children at churches around the country will recite Easter poems about the power of the Resurrection. We will all celebrate our belief that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose on the third day “with all power in His hands.”
But I wonder how many of us apply the power of the cross to our everyday lives? How many of us allow what we confess to become real in the midst of our circumstances?
How many of us find ourselves facing familiar situations, and like the children of Israel, like me, and even like my sweet little Ryann, we act as if we’ve never faced that situation before?
As we prepare to celebrate the cornerstone of our Faith, let us remember that because of the miraculous power of the cross we are no longer victims to the circumstances we face! We can apply the resurrection power to every situation in our lives because we are united with Christ (Ephesians 2:6) and we already have the victory!
Excerpt from
* ~ * ~*
Robin May is a much sought-after speaker, relationship coach and mental health therapist. She is the author of Before You Take His Name and founder of For more information about Robin, visit
Monday, April 4, 2011
The Power of Loving What You Do!
”To love what you do and feel that it matters, how on earth could anything be more fun!” - Katherine Graham
Find your purpose and live your dreams!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
The Power of Change and Redeveloping Purpose
When it seems that everytime you have something bad happen in your life have you questioned the Lord and His incredible love for you? “Why God, why?” you may ask. “Why would you do this to me?” And “How could this possibly be good?” may run through your mind. Everytime though, the change that may be feared so much and that you may rebuke the Lord for, might just be for the better and it's possible you could learn something about yourself, your faith, your love for others and/or your selfishness within.
The truth is, without the hardship and struggle, there wouldn't be defining moments, or accomplishments. There wouldn't be thankfulness for blessings and there would be no value of our Lord and His eternal love and commitment. There would be no need to draw close to our Lord, as He wants. There would be no guidance for a path to walk, because there would be no consequence, nor reason to change.
Change is inevitable. God changes us and our surroundings for reasons only He knows but through it all, He never abandons us. Only the Lord has the power to reverse events and He knows us more intimately than anyone. The why is not always for us to know; What we do about it is.
As you walk in the season of change and in the power and purpose of change,
join The SISTAHS Ministry for the 15-Minute Power and Purpose Prayer Blast
on Mondays at 7am (EST):
Dial: (218) 862-1115 | Conference ID 45895#
(The playback from the last recorded Prayer Blast is available on the sidebar to the right!)
The truth is, without the hardship and struggle, there wouldn't be defining moments, or accomplishments. There wouldn't be thankfulness for blessings and there would be no value of our Lord and His eternal love and commitment. There would be no need to draw close to our Lord, as He wants. There would be no guidance for a path to walk, because there would be no consequence, nor reason to change.
Change is inevitable. God changes us and our surroundings for reasons only He knows but through it all, He never abandons us. Only the Lord has the power to reverse events and He knows us more intimately than anyone. The why is not always for us to know; What we do about it is.
As you walk in the season of change and in the power and purpose of change,
join The SISTAHS Ministry for the 15-Minute Power and Purpose Prayer Blast
on Mondays at 7am (EST):
Dial: (218) 862-1115 | Conference ID 45895#
(The playback from the last recorded Prayer Blast is available on the sidebar to the right!)
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Encouraging and Increasing Faith
In Coffee with God, Melisa A. Smith skillfully combines devotional writings and letters that will encourage and teach readers important lessons that can be applied to anyone's life. This book helps readers learn that they must rely on God and allow Him to help them in the various storms and trials of life. Smith believes that spending time with God on a daily basis can be as simple as a person sharing their coffee time with Him.
Through the pages of Coffee with God, Smith addresses issues such as fear, weariness, relationships, and purposeful living. This book, which is the first in a series of writings, encourages individuals to begin an intimate relationship with God.
In 'Cause God Promised, Melisa Smith presents a wonderfully written short story about trials and victories that people oftentimes experience while waiting on the fulfillment of God's promises. Smith's story follows the life of Alex Johnson from childhood to adulthood, a failed marriage to a cocaine addict and the near loss of her daughter, to finally learning to trust God and then receiving her promise. Throughout this journey, Alex learns that what God says He will do will certainly come to pass in time.
'Cause God Promised will build faith and determination in readers who are striving to press towards the manifestation of God’s promise for their lives.
* ~ *~ *
Melisa began writing books and plays as a young child and recognized her connection with a loving and patient God very early in life. She created and published quarterly newsletters for the Texas Youth Commission (Mart campus) and Texas Association of Community Development Corporations. Over the years she has written for state agencies and nonprofit organizations. She speaks as an expert in the areas of grant writing, nonprofit start up, juvenile justice, and most importantly, God’s Word. She is co-owner of Smith & Dunn LLC Creative Writing and Publishing, a Christianity writer for, Executive Director of Open Hearts Open Hands Ministries Inc. and volunteers with Epiphany Youth Prison Ministry. She believes the entire Bible and puts forth great effort to live it and to help others do the same. A native of Beaumont, TX she currently resides in the Houston, TX area.
For more information about Melisa Smith, visit:
Cause God Promised,
Coffee With God,
Melisa Smith,
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Power of Being Unique
I have a unique and special contribution to make, enjoy a great sense of purpose in my life and have a inspiring mission to fulfill.
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry,
Friday, April 1, 2011
The Power of Focus
National Political Congress of Black Women,
Power and Purpose,
The SISTAHS Ministry
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