Regardless of the fears you may have today, they are little when they are placed next to the Lord. If He can create the universe out of nothing; surely He can meet your need! If He can keep Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego through the fiery furnace, He can take care of you! If He can secure Daniel in the lion’s den, He can take care of you! If He can feed three million Jews in the desert for forty years, He can take care of you! If He can defeat sin, death, Hell, the grave and Satan using an old rugged cross and an empty tomb, He can take care of you! If He can save you from your sins, He can take care of you!
Whatever you fear today, bring it to Him, and leave it in His hand. He is more than able to take care of you, Eph. 3:20. (Ill. Jesus is the Lord of the little, even little fears!)