Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Happiness of Purpose

One way to truly know yourself and experience fulfillment is to get in touch with your purpose in lfie.  As women, or shall I say “Superwomen”, with all the business, career and family pressures, it can be easy to be distracted and start living a life that isn’t aligned with your purpose in life. Have you ever felt miserable and as if your life is going nowhere, or not in the direction you thought it would?

Your purpose in life works hand-in-hand with your values and, the two combined, give you the unwavering belief in what you stand for and ensures you live your life by design, not someone else’s making – you are happier and fulfilled when doing what’s most important to you AND expressing it in every part of your life.

No-one can define your life purpose for you. Your life purpose is something within you which firstly begins in deciding that YOU matter – YOU are unique and different from everyone else and YOU are special.  Focus on you and experience a comfort within yourself.
Are you waiting for the world to make you happy, or are you going to design your own purpose and mission in life to make yourself happy?

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