Thursday, January 20, 2011

" I Motivate Me" by Angela Tezeno

Here's How You Create the Life You Want...

You Start with Organizing Your Life. When you organize your life you wake up each morning with intention, inspiration, determination and motivation. Most people need a bulldozer to get them out of bed in the morning, but not those who apply these vital steps.

There are 3 Major Parts of Organizing Your Life:

1. BEFORE YOU ORGANIZE--Re-claim Your Passion and Purpose
2. ORGANIZE YOUR LIFE--Create a Life Plan (life a map) to Fulfill your God-given Purpose
3. STAY ORGANIZED--Add Your Life Plan to Your Daily Agenda
Use your Gifts and Talents to Create the life you really want…Use the “Total Life Organizer” to actually LIVE the life you really want!

Angela Tezeno, M.Ed, CCLC  Author of Total Life Organizer Life Purpose Coach
President of I Motivate Me International

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